Police Ice Hockey

The North West’s biggest public service Ice Hockey team is the Police Ice Hockey team. The Peelers Ice Hockey Club (IHC) is the police team for tjeh North West. Interestingly, the Peelers are named after Sir Robert Peel, who is often credited with being the creator of the modern police force.
Police Ice Hockey in the North West has possibly one of the coolest logos of ice hockey teams in the UK! The Peelers cover all of the North West and often play and train in Altrincham, Blackburn and Widnes.
Check out there Facebook page for more information.
Armed Forces Ice Hockey
If you want to see Army Ice Hockey, sadly it isn’t focused around Manchester. The national Army team are the Blades. There is good news however, if you fancy experiencing some military ice hockey near(ish) Manchester.
It’s sadly the same position for RAF Ice Hockey with probably the closest team to Manchester playing in the Midlands (Telford area).
Guess what? It’s sadly a similar story for Navy Ice Hockey but just wait, we’ve got you.
Tri-services and Army Inter-Corps championships
So, you want to catch some military ice hockey near(ish) to Manchester. This is the best way to do it.
The Army holds its internal championship each year (usually on a Wednesday in June or July) at IceSheffield. This sees all of the Army’s internal corps teams (such as Infantry, Engineers etc) fight it out to be the best team in the Army.
At a similar time, the UK military also holds its inter-service Ice Hockey competition (Army, Navy and RAF), again at IceSheffield in the Summer.
The best way to keep up to date with either of these events is via the association’s Facebook pages.