The Manchester Metros

Manchester University Ice Hockey is played by the Manchester Metros.
The Metros are so called because of the tram that runs through Manchester and is known affectionally by locals as ‘the metro’. You can see the tram on the Metro’s logo!
Who can play University Ice Hockey in Manchester?
The Metros regularly field an A, B and C team and play in both checking and non-checking leagues. This means that whatever your level (from complete beginner to experienced pro), there will be hockey for you. the Metros mainly play against other University teams.
The team is open to students, alumni and University staff from all three Universities. The three Universities in Manchester are Manchester University, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Salford. Players from either sex are welcome to play for the Metros.
How do I get involved in Manchester University Ice Hockey?
A fresher’s taster session runs in September each year and is a great way to find out more about joining the club! The Metros are also usually present at the Universities’ fresher’s fairs. The team also has a great website (see below) and is active on social media. These are a great way to keep in touch with the Metros.
The team is confirmed and running for the 2022/2023 season!
The Varsity Match
One of the best things about any University sport is the varsity match. For those not in the know, a varsity match is basically a ‘derby’ match. The match is usually at the end of the season (academic year) and doesn’t form part of any league. It is a grudge match for bragging rights only!
The Metros play against the Leeds Gryphons in their Varsity match (keeping alive the Lancashire v Yorkshire rivalry). If you watch one Metros match, make it the Varsity.
Check out their website for more details.